Tabletop RPGs

This is a seasonal faction; one that's only dangerous or notable at a particular time of the year.

Quinder directs a wealthy halfling merchant family that specializes in the ice trade. His large extended family cuts out large chunks of ice from lakes in the frozen north and carts them south to the...

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Usually, my factions are made up of groups. But a faction can also be encapsulated in an individual, someone who may have incidental followers and hangers-on but remains the central threat. Many video game villains serve this role: yes, they may command troops, but even if they acted on their own th...

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Most factions are serious assistants or impediments to the party. This week, let's lighten things up with a faction we can play for laughs.

Darek is a charismatic, enthusiastic dwarf who leads a rag-tag adventuring party he's dubbed Darek's Delvers. Darek loves nothing more than diving into an aba...

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Taking inspiration from the classes in the recently released Xanathar's Guide to Everything for this week's faction, today we come to the cleric. While the Grave Domain has some juicy options, I'm more drawn to the Forge Domain.

Kovalla, the Forge of the Gods. One hundred years ago, a small grou...

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Surprise your players by throwing them a curve ball: higher-level bandits.

Kala, a half-elf woman, led an otherwise unassuming group of bandits on a series of raids along a lucrative trade route near the sea. One day, they fell on a group of adventurers who were transporting an artifact, and manag...

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I'm taking inspiration from the classes in the recently released Xanathar's Guide to Everything for this week's faction. Today we come to the bard, and the College of Shadows leaps out to me.

Every few months, leaflets and town criers announce another performance by the Angel's Chorus, a locally...

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Frostgrave Barbarians by DevBurmak

Inspired by the recently released Xanathar's Guide to Everything, today's faction is inspired by the barbarian Path of the Zealot.

The towns along the Scarred Coast are buzzing with rumors of great deeds being done in the name of a new god. Travelers speak of what initially appears to be a rag...

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Gyllehaal, an old gnome, has seen a lot in his life. He spent decades adventuring unluckily; he can barely remember how often he was captured and beaten within an inch of his life, or a treasure chest turned out to be empty, or a valuable gem slipped from his grasp and went careening down a chasm.


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